Citrine Zuiderpark (South Park)


| The Hague, The Netherlands

Today, I am happy to announce the immediate availability of a new version of the Citrine Programming Language: Version 0.9.6 Zuiderpark Edition (South Park). Citrine Zuiderpark Edition is the first Citrine version to include a Media Plugin for several languages. The Media Plugin is an SDL2-based module that allows you to create Citrine applications with graphics, animations and audio. The Media Plugin also has the ability to connect to gamepads or joysticks. Furthermore, the Media Plugin offers some basic networking. Along with the Media Plugin, South Park ships with 6 demo programs and a basic editor (also written in Citrine and therefore configurable/programmable). Please note that the Media Plugin should still be considered a beta release. Improvements, fixes and updates will appear over the course of this year.

- Gabor de Mooij (project lead)

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